Thursday, February 28, 2013

The labor and birth of Linus

Due date: December 24th

I thought I would never have this baby. You know that feeling. You just, kind of, give up. You begin to live with the notion of being pregnant for the remainder of your existence.  I had never really had this feeling before.  Almost all my other babies were born within a day or two of their due dates. I've had 8 babies before this one. My first was 10 days early. She ruined me for all the rest, but that's another story.

Linus's labor began around 10pm on December 29th after a peaceful, restful day. I tried to get some sleep, but wondered what the birth would be like as it would be our first homebirth with just Jerry and I. Finally, at 2am, December 30th, I knew things were drawing to a close. The pain was almost unbearable and I had cried. I always cry right at the very end. Right when I think I can't go on anymore. Right before the baby's born... so I knew it would be soon.

At every unbearable contraction I would expect to get the urge to push. Every 5 minutes or so I would be bitterly disappointed. After a couple of hours, I was ready to throw in the towel. I seriously considered the hour drive to the emergency room for a caesarian section (the unthinkable). I prayed for a reprieve and the Lord was gracious. For 20 minutes I got a rest before things began to pick up again at about 6:20am.

This whole time Jerry was very supportive. He's always supportive, but I know he feels helpless at these times. He always cries after the babies are born. I always though it was because of the mystery and the miracle of birth. He told me recently that, yes, it's those things, but mostly it's because he's so relieved to see me out of pain.

Finally, at about 7am, I got the urge to push. My water broke, slightly stained with meconium, right before his head came out. Jerry said for a split second he thought the baby was deformed, but it was only his fist presenting with his shoulder. No wonder labor took so long and no wonder it was so painful! The rest of him slid out painlessly, but that's when the adventure really began!

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